Excellent Read! These articles help me summarize the exact levers I should be paying attention too and cancelling out the noise. Looking forward to Part 2. Galileo has been making some strides. I work for a B2B large cap tech company and my educated guess leads me to believe that these features they are rolling out are to sign new clients based on contract proposals.
Chris-it's this type of content thats helps further educate me as a SoFi investor, and as an investor overall. It's this type of content that makes $5/ month I pay to you an absolute sweet deal!
Excellent Read! These articles help me summarize the exact levers I should be paying attention too and cancelling out the noise. Looking forward to Part 2. Galileo has been making some strides. I work for a B2B large cap tech company and my educated guess leads me to believe that these features they are rolling out are to sign new clients based on contract proposals.
That's a great insight. Thank you for sharing it.
Totally agree
Beatifully written Chris H!
Chris-it's this type of content thats helps further educate me as a SoFi investor, and as an investor overall. It's this type of content that makes $5/ month I pay to you an absolute sweet deal!
Thanks again
I'm very grateful that you find value in what I share.